Our Highest Rated Amazon Beds – Updated for 2021

Amazon is one of the biggest online retailers in the world so there’s no wonder they also have beds in their rich offer. Retailers in the niche and even manufacturers use the site for selling their products to a wider market share given that this site has better visibility and is the top-grade market for the US and many European and Asian countries.

Furthermore, it is a safe online platform where people trust to make purchases because they have access to other users’ unbiased reviews. On Amazon, only the best products become popular, because here all the features are judged by customers, not embellished by the seller or manufacturer.

Also, this is the marketplace where all prices are competitive. You can’t slip an overpriced product and just get away with it – the public will call you on this! Amazon is the perfect place for honest manufacturers that want to promote their products and show the world their amazing ingenuity and hard-work.

So, hopefully you will have the answerer to: Which mattress on Amazon is the best?

Still, it’s a huge marketplace where you can easily get lost, so we decided to guide you towards the highest-quality mattresses available right now. We selected these products based on their features and people’s reviews, which is why you can definitely trust them.

Type of Mattresses That Are on Amazon

Finest Mattresses on Amazon.com

Memory Foam

Memory foam is among the most popular and best-priced materials in most mattresses you can find on Amazon! The unique features and the fact that it is durable and can be easily rolled up and packed in a box, make it the ideal design for a bed sold online.

But it’s not just about convenience; this is a popular material because it provides sleepers of all types and sizes with comfort and support.

The nice and countering memory foam is designed to be accommodating for all sleeping positions and it literally takes the shape of your body while you’re sleeping. This feature makes it a great mattress for side sleepers because it reduces the pressure put on hips and shoulders.

Furthermore, this type of mattress is perfect for people who share the bed with their partner because it doesn’t transmit motion. The foam absorbs most of the energy of a sleeper’s movements so the other person can enjoy a relaxed and motionless sleep.


For people who are looking for a natural, hypoallergenic design, a latex mattress is the ideal choice. Made from rubber tree sap, latex foam is naturally bouncy and supportive, giving us some of the healthiest sleeping surfaces on the market.

The main feature that makes a latex mattress great is the level of comfort. The surface is medium-firm or firm and provides lots of flexibility and bounciness that keep the body and spine in perfect alignment.

Because of this, the mattress reacts instantly to your movements (which doesn’t happen with memory foam).

If you have never experienced latex mattress it’s a healthy choice, but it’s important to check the producer’s claim that the mattress is 100% organic. Usually, this is easy to check – just make sure the design supports the stamp of approval from a reliable certification service.

Overall, latex beds are a bit more expensive and heavier, but if the budget allows it, they are the highly recommended for people with allergies or stomach and back sleepers (who usually favor a firmer design).


Hybrid designs combine the greatest features found in all-foam mattresses and innersprings and create an ideal sleeping surface that is both contouring and supporting.

The cool thing is that you can actually get a mattress that has a little bit from all designs: latex, memory foam, polyurethane foam, and coils. Of course, the combinations are different from one product to another, but each manufacturer is free to be as creative as possible.

A hybrid bed is naturally breathable (due to the layer(s) of coils) and is more flexible than a latex design. Also, due to the layers on top, it can be soft, medium-firm, or firm and you can choose the perfect contouring sensation that best fits your needs, see our great hybrid options.

Finally, a hybrid mattress is durable, affordable, and usually comes with interesting features that set it apart from the rest of the products.


Mostly known as a traditional design, beds that incorporated coil systems have evolved a lot in the last few years. If all you can remember is that old, squeaky, bulky bed in your parents’ home, you will be surprised by how accommodating modern models are.

First, modern manufacturers got rid of the compressed springs sound (the one that usually gives away the most intimate moments in a couple’s life) by wrapping each coil in a supportive material.

Next, they made the mattress less motion reactive by disconnecting the coils and having them react individually. This way, when you move on one side, the other side won’t feel your movement as a wave.

Finally, the materials used for the top section are more contouring and soft, which creates a nice combination between the coils’ springiness and the softness on top. The innerspring bed is bouncy, which is great for all sorts of bedroom activities, and supportive for your back and sleeping habits.

3 Reasons to Purchase on Amazon

Amazon’s Excellent Reputation

Amazon has ranked in the top 10 companies with the top-grade reputation in the US for the last 8 consecutive years and they are not going anywhere.

People even place them in front of companies like Apple and Google in terms of reputation because their service is reliable, they deliver fast, and you can return products with which you are not satisfied without problems.

The company is very customer oriented and they always look for new ways to improve their services and offer their clients more and better products. Also, the fact that their delivery system is fast and works as promised is a big plus in their favor.

Finally, another factor that took Amazon’s excellent reputation over the seas and into the world, is the fact that here, real customers make the market. The fact that a product is evaluated by real users is of extreme importance in an honest marketplace.


On Amazon, the best recommendation a product can get is from its users. The review system is clear and tells you everything you need to know about a product you’re looking to buy.

So, if you were looking for a new bed, but you’re not yet set on a product and material, a quick browse through popular designs will tell you all about the features, how the bed feels when you take it home, if it is durable, or how easy it is to maintain.

Some reviews are extremely detailed and some users will even upload pictures to prove their opinion. Not to mention, you can ask questions about the features that interest you the most. You can also get in touch with the manufacturer, and you are more likely to get a reply here than even on the site of the manufacturer because Amazon has strict rules about this aspect.

Big Selection of Beds

Amazon is the marketplace of the US consumers so it’s absolutely natural to find all the products that matter here. The cool thing is that you don’t have to browse from one site to another and waste time with search and other tedious activities.

Everything you need is listed on this site and one search will show you a huge selection of products.

Let’s take beds for an example; on a first search you are presented with a wide range of products from mattresses to frames to throws, pillows and even adjustable type of beds. Of course, you can refine the search by brand, price range, material, bed type, and so on.

The basic idea is that you have all the products that may interest you in one place, and more!

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime is for select customers who want to be close to Amazon’s best deals, free services, and lots of other perks that come with being a member. If you want to register, you have to create an account and pay an annual fee ($119 per year, but you can also pay on a monthly basis – $12.99/month).

Once you’re a member, you get a series of perks including super-fast shipping and flexibility to fit your needs, the possibility to stream videos from the Amazon library, access to thousands of Kindle books, and good music.

However, most members decide to register to Prime for the possibility of free shipping on a multitude of items and free same day delivery or access to Prime Pantry for groceries and other low-priced items.

Basically, with Prime you do your groceries online and have them delivered to your door for an insignificant delivery fee.

Consider This Before Buying

Sleep Trials & Returns

Regardless of the fact that you buy your mattress from a brick and mortar store or you take it from an online store like Amazon, you have to consider two important aspects: the sleep trial period and how returns can happen.

The sleep trial period is the time you have to test the mattress in your own home, under your conditions and decide if it’s truly the one you need. Now, in online stores, this period usually varies between 100 days and 360, but this is the manufacturer’s decision.

Also, you have the right to return the product during this trial period and ask for your money back, but you also have to be aware of the conditions under which this can happen.

Read our comprehensive mattress buyer’s guide for more information on what you should be looking for.


In the online world, beds are less expensive (about one third) than in a brick and mortar store because the middleman is cut off (aka the salesman), but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to the cost. Amazon is a fantastic marketplace because it tends to level prices at the product’s real value and anything that is overpriced without reason doesn’t stand too many chances.

It’s also great because you have the opportunity to compare prices on different brands and make an idea of the real worth of a certain design.

Looking for a specific budget?

Different Sellers

Diversity is always important and Amazon is the one place where you can actually find it! This leads to better prices and the possibility to compare products from different brands without investing too much effort.

Also, not all beds are sold by the original manufacturer, which creates a healthy competition and may even produce more perks for the final customer. The idea is that you have the wonderful possibility of selecting the products you like and running a comparison between their features, all while taking into account other users’ opinions.

Wondering where is the most recommended place to buy a mattress?

Read: Where is The Best Place To Purchase A New Bed? (Online?)

Delivery & Shipping

Amazon is not always the one covering the delivery and shipment of the product, as this is usually the seller’s choice. However, many choose to let the ordeal in their capable hands so, if you see a product marked as ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ you should know the delivery will come from them and not the seller.

This means Amazon is the one to pack, ship, and even provide customer support for the product you are about to receive. Honestly, this raises the trust bar a bit more given that this is the biggest online retailer in the world, known for the quality of their delivery services.

Our Top 3 Amazon Mattress Reviews

Nectar – Amazon’s Choice


  • Supports and contours the body for optimum sleep
  • A medium-firm mattress
  • 180-day risk-free trial and forever warranty

Our Ratings: 9.8/10

Nectar is one of the high-end mattresses sold on Amazon, with positive reviews from buyers, and a great delivery process (it comes rolled up in a box).

The design comes with optimum support and creates a fantastic bed for all types of sleepers who enjoy medium firmness. This is due to the four layers of foam that support both softness and firmness and keep the overall sensation springy and comfortable. We believe it’s important to mention that one of the layers is made of Adaptive Hi Core memory foam that provides the same support medical recovery foam does.

The mattress is also breathable and the Tencel cooling cover helps keep the airflow constantly going. As a result, you will never be hot during the night – the surface underneath will cover temperature regulation so you’ll be just cozy.

Finally, if you’re not sold by the great bed and construction, you must warm up when you hear about the warranty (it’s forever!) and the lengthy home trial.

For more information go to: Detailed Review of Nectar Mattress (Promo Code Below)

Layla – Best Value


  • Hypoallergenic bed due to the copper infusions
  • A 2-in-1 product, with two levels of firmness
  • 120-night trial and lifetime warranty

Our Ratings: 9.4/10

The Layla mattress’s manufacturer didn’t hold back with anything. It has one of the top-rated designs you can get for such an affordable price and the features it packs are completely astonishing!

First, you have the copper-infused memory foam core that makes the mattress hypoallergenic and keeps everything cool during the night. The copper also makes the bed more durable and a bit on the firm side (but without being too hard). Speaking of firmness, this mattress literarily has two faces: one side for medium firmness and one for firm. You can simply flip the bed and you’ll get to enjoy a new feeling!

As you move towards the bed’s top surface, the most impressive feature is represented by the Thermogel infused cover that promotes excellent heat dispersion and is extremely soft to touch. Thermogel is designed to react to your body temperature and it regulates the temperature in the core according to your needs.

Overall, Layla is a fantastic choice at a very good price! See our: Our Pros, Cons & Full Review of Layla Mattress (Discount Available)

Casper – Editor’s Choice


  • Open-cell design for improved coolness
  • High-density memory foam for pressure relief
  • The perfect sleep experience

Our Ratings: 9.3/10

When you give up all the bells and whistles and you only care about improving the sleep experience, the result is a mattress like the Casper. The design is simple as it features four layers of foam and a breathable cover that feels amazing to touch.

The secret stands in the way the layers are placed, so they will ensure zoned support. This means that certain areas of your body (like your hips core) will have more support (in translation, firmer foam) than the rest of them. As a result, your body will be comfortable in horizontal position and the spine will keep an almost perfect alignment.

The open-cell technology allows the mattress to use conduction and convection to wick heat away from your body and send it outside the mattress, while keeping you cool and comfy.

Overall, the Casper is durable, well-designed, and quite affordable for such features, you can check our updated analysis here.


Our Final Thoughts

In our opinion, Amazon is the best online marketplace to visit when you’re looking for a new mattress. First of all, the competition is fierce so the prices can’t go too crazy and secondly, all the products are reviewed by real customers.

After all, any site owner can make up a few good reviews and post them on their site, but Amazon’s reviews come from real users. Furthermore, they are against fake reviews and have a system in place for identifying such disloyal practices.

In conclusion, if you are interested in learning more about each product and you want a good service provider, this is the online market to visit!

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